Thursday 24 April 2008

Just a quick note really.
My potatos have just started to show through so it looks like I will have to started covering them over soon.
I only planted them 4" deep so I will have to make sure they get alot of extra cover.
If they dont do too well this year I may try the method of laying them on the ground and covering in straw.
This weekend I intend to start planting out my cauliflowers & cabbages as the seedlings are a good 5" tall.
I wish I had a greenhouse so that I could grow more seedlings, we only have so much window cill space!
My peas that I planted early April still have not shown so I think I may plant some more at the end of the month. That will teach me for being impatient.
I planted carrots last weekend but dont hold out much hope, last years crop was pathetic.
I am really getting itchy fingers now and cant wait for the growing season to get into full flow like the weeds are !
The sun looks like its trying to show its face so I may try and get to the plot this pm.

1 comment:

Philh said...

Hello Dave,

Can you recommend somewhere to buy manure who can deliver in Rotherham if possible?
