Thursday 24 April 2008

Just a quick note really.
My potatos have just started to show through so it looks like I will have to started covering them over soon.
I only planted them 4" deep so I will have to make sure they get alot of extra cover.
If they dont do too well this year I may try the method of laying them on the ground and covering in straw.
This weekend I intend to start planting out my cauliflowers & cabbages as the seedlings are a good 5" tall.
I wish I had a greenhouse so that I could grow more seedlings, we only have so much window cill space!
My peas that I planted early April still have not shown so I think I may plant some more at the end of the month. That will teach me for being impatient.
I planted carrots last weekend but dont hold out much hope, last years crop was pathetic.
I am really getting itchy fingers now and cant wait for the growing season to get into full flow like the weeds are !
The sun looks like its trying to show its face so I may try and get to the plot this pm.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Dwarf french Beans

general photos

I might as well post a few more pictures of my allotment before all the weeds start growing !
Firstly is my pen for my peas. Looks great I think, made out of willow branches. Only problem is the willow is growing but there aint no sign of the peas !

This next one is where I intend to grow dwarf french beans. I decided not to use canes where possible. Why I dont know but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Hopefully they will grow up the branches better I suppose.


Well April has started and its time to get really going.
All my pototos are planted, approximately 220 of them.
Ive gone for King Edwards, Desiree, Pentfold javlin and another that I cant remember at this moment.
I've also been a bit optamistic and built a cage round the cherry tree I planted last year.
I doubt there will be many cherries if any at all but i'll be damned if those pigeons are having them !
Ive also netted over my redcurrent, blueberry & blackberry bushes, fingers crossed !!!!!